Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Finished Tide Pool Poster

Finished Tide Pool Poster by Dowbiggin
Finished Tide Pool Poster a photo by Dowbiggin on Flickr.

My son has to create a poster for Ocean Week. It's due Monday. The habitat for first grade is the Rocky Seashore, and they usually study tide pools. The theme for this year is "Rescue at Sea."

This is MY prototype poster for him to use as a guide. Alec or I will make some of the pieces for him (since I could not get any tide pool animal stickers) and he can put it all together. I don't know how to get the "Rescue at Sea" theme worked into it, so I am just not going to worry about that.

We've actually had Cameron visit tide pools a number of times. He's been there and seen what lives there, at more than one location. We'll have to see how his poster comes out.

There's a set showing how I created this, step-by-step, at

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