Last night, it was really hard for me to go to bed. I was tired. I’d had a long day at work and afterward. I needed sleep. But the news was full of the aftermath of the grand jury’s decision to not even indict Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown. So no trial. No hashing out of the testimonies and evidence in court. No attempt at justice for his survivors.
And all I could think about was this: if Michael Brown had been a white kid, the police officer would not have shot and killed him.
I’m not looking for debates and arguments. No one is going to change my belief in this.
In seven or eight years, if my blond-haired, blue-eyed son and his African-American classmate walk into a store together, they will follow the other kid around. It doesn’t matter that his Dad is a wealthy and famous professional athlete. If they walk down the street together as teens-becoming-adults, people may wonder if my kid is okay, and if this young Black man is bothering him.
And I will never have to teach my white son how to act when he gets stopped by the police, just so he doesn’t have to fear being killed.
That is just how it is in this country. And in some places, like Ferguson, Missouri, it is a lot worse than in others.
This didn’t start in Ferguson. It didn’t start with Trayvon Martin or even Dred Scott. It began when Europeans stole people from their homelands and brought them to this continent and Europe and South America and the Caribbean against their wills. It began when white people broke up Black families and turned people into property.
It continued as white people denied Black people education. As they split up enslaved people from the same African cultures so they couldn’t communicate with one another or even offer each other comfort in their imprisonment. This continues, in a different, insidious form, even today. We see it in school systems that offer less and lesser to people of color. Nowadays it comes down to socioeconomics. But . . . surprise, surprise . . . socioeconomic stratification in this country has always been on racial lines. Why? Because of centuries of denied opportunities.
These days, you will hear white people talk about the way Black people speak, act, dress, express themselves through music and other media, and it is almost always with derision. Everything about being Black in America descends from what white people have put in place. Oh, but NOW you don’t like it? Maybe early white Americans should have thought of that when teaching Blacks to read was punishable by death.
If your ancestors had been kidnapped, beaten, raped, abused, considered property, and KILLED simply because of their skin color, you’d be seriously pissed off too. When we look at the historical conflicts in Europe . . . let’s take the Irish and the English . . . these are viewed and discussed in academic terms. Former “terrorists” (depending on who you ask) are now leading politicians. The subjugation of one people by another is looked back upon with regret, pity, compassion, and understanding. (NOTE: as a person of English and Irish heritage, I take no sides in this one.)
Rebellion and protest are in our nation’s DNA. In school, we study the American Revolution. Rebels are heroes. Wanton acts of violence and unrest, such as the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party, are put in the spotlight as proud moments in our history. The murders of Loyalist neighbors, and their banishment to Canada or elsewhere tends to go unmentioned. But it was all good, because these were white people fighting for white freedoms.
But in the year 2014, Black people aren’t allowed to be angry when police officers kill their sons and brothers. When their people are routinely arrested and incarcerated at a hugely disproportionate rate to whites.
And I’ve seen wealthy white kids using the N-word with their friends and posting pictures of their drug paraphernalia on Facebook and Instagram. No one even bats an eye. A Black kid walks down the street, and he MUST be up to no good.
If you’ve got a problem with me and what I am saying, don’t try to change my mind or convince me it’s not about race. Unfollow me and unfriend me on social media if you want. I don’t hate cops, and I don’t condone rioting or looting. But I am also clever enough to realize that white, straight, female me has NO CLUE what it’s like to be Black in America. And I am still angry about all these dead Black kids.